Saturday, October 10, 2009

Orange Wedge's Lead to Another

I go to the kitchen and begin to peel an orange. Outside the air conditioning units clamor on and the hum makes the whole apartment complex become mechanically alive, though there are no lights on in any of the neighbor's windows. I take a couple of orange wedges and go back to the living room. Pascha, my cat, is curled up asleep on top of today's newspaper. I manage to slip the front page out from underneath her sleeping body. The headlines read "President Obama Accepts Nobel Peace Prize". What a gip I think as I toss another orange wedge into my mouth. I mean the President has hardly even been in office. I know many more people whom over the course of their entire lives have been promoting peace and therefore are much more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize. For example, at work there is this girl who is always promoting peace. She has a smile that can knock down a million Berlin Walls. I guess it might even be natural for her, like her life force is completely directed towards promoting peace; though she swears she has to work really hard for it. I wonder if the President had to work for it. Was the spectrum so desperate to give out such a prestigious award that it skips over the girl at work and goes straight to the President of the most powerful country in all of human history? I guess there really is no rhyme or reason for why things happen. And if I start believing that there is no rhyme or reason could there really be any right and wrong? I mean, I am really hungry right now. These orange wedges are doing absolutely nothing to stop my stomach's incessant rumbling. As I sit here thinking about right and wrong I am tempted to go out and attack a McDonald's if only to get enough cheeseburgers to quench my hunger. Not rob, I don't need money like I need thirty cheeseburgers to curb this hunger. Not that I am into fast food, but I mean if they are just going to dish out Nobel Peace Prize's then is there any real reason for me to not put on a ski mask and hold up a McDonald's? Maybe in doing so I would test the limits of right and wrong and reaffirm that there are actually limits, though it sure seems like that is what political leaders should be doing, not accepting prizes while failing to set any sort of example. I begin to play with the idea and the scheme is actually working out. I would collect thirty cheeseburgers and drive to some underground parking garage and eat as many as I could. I am really into the idea of chomping down cheeseburgers when Pascha wakes up and races across the living room in an attempt to catch a lizard that has wandered in off from the porch.

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