Tuesday, April 6, 2010


This evening I went for a longer walk than usual. More often than not I set out at sunset and get back just in time to open the windows and let the nights cool air fill the apartment. Today was especially warm so I decided to walk further than usual. I went down past the grocery stores and found an empty field where I sat on a tire and watched the sunset. A few bunnies scampered through the tall grasses, but for the most part I was alone. At one point three men entered the field and walked towards me then decided to change their course and went away. When night came the general hum of the city seemed to lessen. Then sirens came crashing through the night and it was all back to loud again. The city never sleeps, its just always in motion. I was in motion too. it had been sometime since I had last thought about it. This was not any place I had ever been before. I was experiencing new things, feeling new things. I even had on new shoes.

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